Harry Levi Hollingworth
American Psychologist
- Professor of Psychology in Barnard College, Columbia University
Ideas and Contributions
Harry Levi Hollingworth authored several texts on aspects related to
psychology with interest applied to mental growth and decline, the psychology
of thought, and vocational psychology. He sought to find unity and coherence
in the account and relation of psychological facts themselves. Within
the continuum of nature H. L. Hollingworth found the principle of redintegrative
sequences, involving both "objective" and "subjective" events of the essence.
For him, their study was the province of psychology, and it was towards
this enterprise that he devoted much of his work.
H. L. Hollingworth examined the traditional and modern scientific methods
of appraising human traits and aptitude. In his works he described and
illustrated various test methods, rating scales, and inventories. He surveyed
the problems and methods of adapting individuals vocationally in terms
of their personal traits, aptitudes and attitudes. It is in the course
of these works that he had a wide-ranging impact on the understanding
of intelligence. In addition, H. L. Hollingworth endeavored to communicate
a general understanding of the principles underlying the methods of mental
"A vocation is much more than a means of earning a living. Work has its
economic aspect, to be sure, but even people who do not need to work are
often noted for their activity. A vocation has many features, among which
we may indicate the economic, the humanitarian, the esthetic, and the
mental hygiene aspects. Some of these have a special importance for vocational
psychology." (Harry Levi HollingworthVocational Psychology and Character
- Psychology: Its Facts and Principles
- Mental Growth and Decline
- The Psychology of Thought
- Judging Human Character
- The Psychology of Functional Neuroses
- Advertising and Selling; Principles of Appeal and Response
- Vocational Psychology
References: 11, 12
Image Courtesy of the Archives of the History of American Psychology, The University of Akron
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