Juan Huarte (y Navarro)
(ca. 1530 - 1592)
Spanish Physician and Author
Portugees version
- Studied medicine at the University of Huesca, Spain
- 1566-1592, practiced medicine in several places in Spain, in Baeza
Ideas and Contributions
In 1575, Juan Huarte y Navarro wrote the first textbook of differential
psychology, Examen de los ingenios para las sciencias or The Tryal of
Wits, Discovering the Great Differences of Wits Among Men and What Sort
of Learning Suits Best with Each Genius. He advocated ability testing
and vocational counseling to assure an appropriate fit between a person
and their occupation. Huarte cited humors, climate, the brain and other
conditions as reasons for differences in human intelligence. He maintained
that intelligence, and thus higher civilizations, could prosper only in
moderate climates, an idea later endorsed by Herder. Gall regarded Huante
as the predecessor of phrenology [theory based on the now discredited
belief that mental capacity and human character could be determined by
studying the features of an individual's brain] because Huante ascribed
individual differences in intelligence to bodily build. Lavater regarded
him as the predecessor of physiognomy [theory based on the now discredited
belief that human character could be assessed by studying facial features]
for the same reason. (Zusne)
- Examen de los ingenios para las sciencias (1575)
References: 29
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