Q. How should I cite articles and content on this website?
A. Plucker, J. A., & Esping, A. (Eds.). (2014). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current controversies, teaching resources. Retrieved [insert month day, year], from http://www.intelltheory.com.
Q. How do I find a copy of a specific intelligence test or other instrument? Can you provide a copy?
A. We do not provide copies of specific instruments for two reasons: First, many are copyrighted and/or require considerable training to administer. Second, maintaining a library of such instruments would be very time-consuming and difficult. We recommend that you contact the instrument’s publisher or author. Local psychologists and psychiatrists may also have copies of publicly available instruments that you may be able to inspect. But keep in mind that test security is an important issue with regard to safeguarding the testing process.
Q. Can you share contact information for the people profiled on the site?
A. WeWe do not provide contact information for anyone whose work is mentioned on the site. We recommend searching for their contact information through their current institutions web site.